Review: The Wicked Awakening of Anne Merchant (The V Trilogy #2) by Joanna Wiebe

1:33 AM


Life and death, light and dark, spirit and flesh-on Wormwood Island, the lines are always blurred. For Anne Merchant, who has been thrust back into this eerily secretive world, crossing the line seems inevitable, inescapable, destined.

Now, as Ben finds himself battling for the Big V and Teddy reveals the celestial plan in which Anne is entwined, Anne must choose: embrace her darkly powerful connection to a woman known as Lilith and, in doing so, save the boy she loves...or follow a safer path that is sure to lead to Ben's destruction at the hands of dark leaders. Hoping the ends will justify the means, Anne starts down the slippery slope into the underworld, intent on exploring the dark to find the light. But as the lure of Lilith proves powerfully strong, will Anne save others-only to lose herself?



ARC provided by Benbella Books via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

This book starts off where the first book left me wanting to read what would happen next. Anne is back and forced to return to the island by her creepy guardian, Teddy. His name doesn't fit him though. He's more of a Gibelto. Don't ask me why. That name just sounds creepy to me. 

Villicus has been replaced by a new headmaster. The new headmaster seems to take up too much of Anne's time and has too much interest in her. 
Anne in this book is more focused and determined. The things that she did were part daunting and part "what were you thinking"?! She is just trying to save everyone, and I was kind of worried because while she was saving everyone, I felt like she wasn't doing anything for herself in the process. She had a lot to worry about though, so I couldn't really blame her for not focusing on herself. 

If you were wondering, yes, Ben and Anne's relationship is still complicated. I wasn't frustrated with it because it kind of adds to the whole mysterious and creepy vibe of the book. 

The tidbits of information in the book was incredibly helpful to me since I have read the first book quite a while ago. 

For me, this book was better than the first one. I just got more into it, and it helps that I know what's going on in the school now. I don't feel weirded out or as out of place as Anne did in the first book. 

There are things that have been settled in this book; but it's obvious that I have to read the next one. I will be impatiently anticipating it!

It's been too long since I've read a paranormal book that has peaked my interest. I thought this book had an original storyline, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 

Thank you so much to the publisher for sending me this book! 


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